"Be the change you wish to see in the world" -Gandhi

I am the Slumdog Millionaire!

I felt inspired to write a quick post after watching the film Slumdog Millionaire with my friend and business partner Kyle Griffith. We were talking the previous day about not operating at our full capacity. Letting time slip by interrupted by our fear and ego's. This brilliant movie made me question how much HUSTLE I put forth every day in my life.

These young kids, coming from the slums of India, with no parents, must do what ever is necessary to survive. Picking through landfills, stealing, running from militants. I was in awe because this picture depicted something that is going on every day and many of us are blind to the fact. I thought I had some hard times with some of the battles I fought but, man I got it easy. I am 24 years old and have so much to accomplish. I vow to put my best foot forward every day with no more waste. It's time to HUSTLE. It's time to make a change...

Oh yeah and the movie....Simply put *****'s. Go See It!