"Be the change you wish to see in the world" -Gandhi

RICH vs. POOR: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

BOOK 2 - Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by: T. Harv Eker

Is you financial thermostat set for generating millions, thousands or zero? If you are looking to attract big money, you must be ready to accept it on the inside. You can do this by changing your financial blueprint that was given to you by understanding the different thinking between the RICH and the POOR.

We all have a personal money blueprint engrained in our subconscious minds, and it is this blueprint, more than anything, that will determine our financial lives. You can know everything about marketing, sales, negotiations, stocks, real estate, and the world of finance. But if your money blueprint is not set for a high level of success, you will never have a lot of money - and if somehow you do, you will most likely lose it! The good news is that now you can actually reset your money blueprint to create natural and automatic success.

This book is an excellent tool for new entrepreneurs as well as ones who have been in the game for a length of time, yet still find trouble in managing their money. It will help you distinguish the way you have been taught to think about money and how to change your thought process. It gets my recommendation.

This book gets 4 out of 5 stars

In progress:
The Power of NOW

Ahead of Schedule: BOOK 1 COMPLETE

No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs by: Dan Kennedy

We are rocking an rolling in 2009! First book finished in record time. Now let me preface this...Brad Will is the guy who starts reading a page and 5 minutes later realizes he is at the bottom and can remember a damn thing. Can anyone relate? But I am getting better by learning to relax my mind of the constant traffic of thoughts flowing between my ears.

Obviously I am telling you I am poor at time management, but I don't know many Entrepreneurs who aren't. Dan Kennedy keeps you engaged with his blunt humor and the easiness of read. He breaks it down into very simple ways to be efficient with your time in business. Do you want to know the secret of this book? Here it is: Turn time into money! Ok were done.

Alright here is a little more. If you do not know what your time is worth, how are you going to get paid what you deserve? He give you simple formulas to compute how much your time is actually worth. So let's say my number is $200 meaning my time is worth $200/hour. Now that I know what I am worth I can justify the decision to do or not to do and activity in my business. Let's say you have to send out 100 pieces of hand written direct mail. If this is a $8/hour job, your time might be better spent attracting new customers into your business. So now you have the power to say "If I'm not making 200 bucks an hour, I ain't doing it."

10 Time Management Techniques:
1. Tame the phone. Don't take phone calls during your productivity time. Turn it off. Plus you want to appear busy at all times or else vampires will suck you dry of your time.
2. Minimize meetings. Meetings are serous time burners. Only have stand-up meetings, no chairs. Set meetings before lunch, don't serve refreshments, have an agenda and an escape route.
3. Practice absolute punctuality. Be on time every time and people will do the same for you.
4. Make and use lists. Create a to do list every day and write it down. Carry it with you and get everything you must get done that day (Schedule, things to do, people to call, conference, etc...). "Self-discipline is the magic power that makes you virtually unstoppable."
5. Fight to link everything to your goals. Have enough reasons to get rich. "If you are not achieving what you feel you should in life, it is because your goals are not defined well enough." Ask yourself "Is what I am doing, this minute, moving me measurably closer to my goals?"
6. Tickle the memory with Tickler files. (Read the book)
7. Block your time in advance. Scratch as many days off in your calander in advance, (birthdays, vacations, anniversary, etc...) leaving you less time to work with. You will also know you have these commitments set in stone in advance.
8. Minimize unplanned activity. Schedule your day by the half-hour. Eliminate down time of watching t.v. and reading comics.
9. Profit from "Odd-lot" time. Listen to audio books during your time spent in the car. Read books on the airplane.
10. Live on off peak times. Do not go to the store during busy hours or travel during rush hour traffic.

Most important point I learned: "People who can't be punctual, can't be trusted."
This means being where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there, as promised, without exception, without excuse, every time, all the time. If you do not respect the time of others how can you expect them to respect yours? Now some people are deliberately late trying to appear important. They are basically saying: I can keep you waiting because I am more important than you. What they are really saying is: "I don't have much self respect, so I'm desperately trying to make myself feel more like a big shot by stealing your time and getting away with it." So if you want to build great business relationships, BE ON TIME-EVERY TIME.

Overall I thought this book was an easy, yet good read. Time management is a subject that frustrates many business owners and will continue until we get it under control. By implementing these simple techniques, it will take much stress out of our day to day lives. I would recommend this book to all Entrepreneurs who are struggling with time management.

This book gets: 3.5 out of 5 stars

The 2009 **52-Week 52-Book CHALLENGE**

As I am keeping up with my goals for 2009, like everyone in the world *cough cough, I came up with a brilliant idea. Or at least it's brilliant in my mind, you can be the judge. After studying many successful business owners ahead of me, I realized they all have at least one thing in common. The desire for constant self-improvement. Their income is in direct proportion to how many books they have on their bookshelf. Will Smith says it the best in this inspiring YOUTUBE video. There is no new problem you can have that has not solved and wrote in a book.

The year of 2009 is the year of CHANGE. I want to CHANGE the way I operate and CHANGE the way I think. Reflecting on my progression the past few months, I have reached unprecedented growth when I am constantly educating myself with new material. So I want to inspire YOU to take action. So here's the challenge. I originally wrote my goal to read 36 books this year (Might I add that I am a very slow reader so one of those books is on speed reading and I have not ever read more than 20 books in a year). We're scratching that and upping it to 52. One per week baby! Now that is great for me but how does that help you? Well, I am going to document my journey through video and blogging. I will record and summary of the books I read and why I chose that book.

Now were getting interesting. In choosing books, obviously I am reading information which will allow me to improve in that area of my life. You will be able to see the problems I am facing and how to overcome them in your business through education and ACTION. With YOU watching, it will also hold me accountable to stay aligned with my goal.

Now, we all have challenges we face on the road to wealth. Some more than others, but it's not your fault. You were programmed to think a certain way about money and about life ever since you were a kid. Now it's time to reprogram. Being wealthy is just a mindset. You can borrow the way of thinking from successful people around you or your broke neighbors...it's your choice. The question is, what are you going to feed your mind? Are YOU up to the CHALLENGE?

"Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily." ~Thomas Szasz

"I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday."
~Abraham Lincoln

Progress so far:
completed: No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs by: Dan Kennedy

in progress: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

I will update you on my progress soon. Please leave me comments, suggestions, or feedback.

Cheers to OUR success in 2009!

Out With the Old, In With the New!

"Happy New Year! Glückliches neues Jahr! ¡feliz año nuevo!"

2009 is the year of CHANGE.

What will YOU change in your life and who's life will YOU change? Out with the old and in with the new. I wish you success, health, and wealth in this journey we call our lives.

My favorite quote reads, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Gandhi.

Raise your glass everyone because this CHEERS is for YOU!!!!

My Thanks on YOUTUBE