"Be the change you wish to see in the world" -Gandhi

Why Being a "Go-Giver" is Important to Me As a Young Entrepreneur...

The Go-Giver

It came as a recommendation from one of my mentors Chad Wade who is ultra successful in the direct sales industry. "You may be a go-getter but you must read the book the GO G-I-V-E-R." he spoke to me. As a young entrepreneur (23 at the time), one thing I admire about the wealthy is that the amount of books on their shelf is directly proportional to how much is in their bank account. Many successful people may not have gotten the best grades in school, but their education started when they left school. They all are self-educated.

So when I get recommendations on books to read, I immediately hop on Amazon or run to the local bookstore to buy that book. And as soon as it arrived in the mail I started reading it and from the first page, was immediately pulled into the story as my name was "Joe", the main character of the story. My views on success were completely opposite on what it takes to be successful. "You have to give, give, give before you can make money??? What kind of crap is that? I need to pay my bills now!" was my attitude toward business. I was captivated by this simple story of a young go-getter realizing his true intention behind his actions. From cover to cover that book was read in one Sunday afternoon. That is when my new life of abundance and giving started.

First, why is this book so powerful? It is a short read that delivered in the from of a story that many people can relate to. Joe meet his mentor Pinder, who he first sees as a potential client, who ends up teaching him the "5 Laws of Stratospheric Success" with the only exchange being he must apply them that same day in his life. Since 95% of the country thinks with the same thought process as "Joe" when it comes to wealth, we can relate to the breakthroughs he is having. I have been recommending this book as the #1 book for young entrepreneurs, but I believe everyone should read it. This should ABSOLUTELY be a textbook in schools.

When I started my first business I can admit it was all for the money. I can understand all the young entrepreneurs out there that think the same way, growing up in need of money. That may be what gets you into business, but if that is all it is about for you, you wont be in business very long. In 2008, I had some very big months, a few topping multiple 5 figures. I made the money, bought the nice Mercedes and also had the "ego" to go along with it. In fact everything I was doing was ego driven. After coming off a $20,000+ December, I had a huge self realization. I was not just unhappy, I was downright miserable. It felt as everything I was doing in my life was for the money and while focusing on that I let my health, family, and social life slip.

So what is business truly about?

Value and Service. The first question you ask should not be "how much money can I make?", rather "Does it serve and does it add value to others." Then you can start thinking about monetizing it. You want to deliver 10 times of value of what you charge for your product or service. You see...the more valuable you become, the more people will seek you out. Think of why two restaurants can have the same quality food yet one can be always packed out the door. It is for the experience. They make it about the people.

Now I understand that many of you reading this may not have a true love for people. Want to know why? We don't love ourselves. My past reveals me as being very self consicous, big ego and low self esteem. If you do not love yourself, how can you have the true desire to love and help someone else? That is where self-education fits in to the puzzle. You can change very quickly depending on what you are feeding your mind.

What was the turn around for me?

Making it about the people. You don't know half the shit I have been though. And you know what? I don't know half the shit you have been through either. But it took me a while before I started seeing these "problems" in my life as blessings in disguise. How can you take a positive out of death, addictions, health problems when you are going through them? It is hard, I know. Now think of all the other people who are worse off than you that do not know how to cope. Now I am not an expert writer or anything (as you can tell by my horrible punctuation), but I want to let young entrepreneurs know what is possible. YOU ARE POSSIBLE. I don't care if you are "fat", "ugly", "skinny", "a drunk", "a addict", "stupid", "depressed" or whatever. That's all "ego" talk and they are all blessings in disguise. Let's all open the gifts and be "go-givers" and share them with the world.

**I have connected with the author Bob Burg and his partner Thom Scott and I have arranged a National Go-Giver Tour coming up in 7 weeks with my partners here in Chicago. We are driving from Chicago to Orlando in the "Mobile Video marketing Playground" and making several stops along the way to connect with you and pick you up! Stay tuned this week for the event details!


Gina Carr said...

I see that you and I have a lot in common - we are both Go-Givers and Tribe Builders.

I was fortunate enough to see Bob Burg in action last month at a Joint Venture Alert seminar in Orlando. He was fantastic.

I love Seth Godin's work as well. Inspired by it, I am actually leading a teleseminar about tribebuilding tonight! Please join me if you can.

Let me know it's you and I'll give you a "shout out."

I'm looking forward to your posts.

Gina Carr

P.S. The link for the TribeBuilding TS tonight (March 10, 2009) is http://BuildYourTribe.com

P.S.S. Are you on Twitter? Twitter is a great tribebuilding tool.

magnetsfast said...

Bradley, absolutely amazing post. I bought this book a few days ago on Amazon and can't wait for it to come in so I can read it. This is the mindset I have in my business and it pays of incredibly. It's so simple I wish I would have known it all along, but if you help others first, they will in turn help you. Hit me up on Twitter and let me know about the book tour. Hopefully yall can come to Birmingham, Alabama, we could help get the word out.