Going back to Western...

It has been one anxious week. I have been invited back to my alumn (Western Illinois University) to speak. This will be my first large speaking engagement, yet that is not why I am anxious. Actually, I am quite comfortable on stage. After graduating in 2006, I declared I would never go back to Macomb. Don't get me wrong, the 4 years spent there were the funnest, wildest, most careless time of my life! I made amazing friends and had memories that I will not forget until the day I die. I actually think it was too much fun (is that possible?). Our reckless behavior led us into all kinds of mischief. So I put those years behind me and decided to spend to rest of my years here on earth becoming a better person and leaving a legacy.
So when I was asked to speak, I wanted to say NO, because I promised myself I would NEVER be back. But, never would I have thought that I would have the chance to impact so many lives. The realization set in that I am living proof that ANYTHING is possible. This event has become more than a message. It is me setting that part of my past free. Once again if a broke, rebellious, alcoholic can have an impact...YOU CAN TOO!!!
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