Starting out in my Network Marketing business as a 20 something untamed Entrepreneur back in June of 2007, I operated in what we call "ignorance on fire." I didn't have a clue what I was doing, I just did it. All I knew was I wanted to be wealthy and have seen many people do it through real estate. Oh and that all the crap I tried before didn't work but that's beside the point. I am blessed to have amazing mentors and I figured if I stay glued to their hip and can attract a quarter of what they have accomplished...I would be ultra successful. Four months went by in my business and I was at the lowest of lows. You see I have so many people in my life doubting me, telling me "you are stupid, network marketing is a scam, and here's the kicker: the real estate market sucks..." I wanted to yell out "THAT'S WHEN YOU BUY DUMB A**." But I'm an easy rider and I kept my cool. The truth of the matter is I hadn't made a freaking dime!
Those lingering impressions were starting to take a toll, "maybe they're right?" I am reading all the books my mentors have told me and bringing more prospects down to briefings than anyone I know, so why doesn't it work for me? There were two things that kept me going. 1). Wanting to shove my success in the face of all the naysayers and 2). Not knowing what is around the corner. By that I mean I was under impression that everyone makes money in this industry. Having the constant feeling of I am so close to the money had me like the rabbit chasing the carrot.
In my mind, I'm thinkng, "If I could only make some money so I can pay my bills which will allow me to take a vacation and make me so much happier!" My personal coach (who I eventually ended up hiring) Jeffrey Combs really slapped me across the face with this one! The conversation went something like:
"Brad do you want to be a millionaire?"
"Well, Yeah."
"Then start acting like one now."
What he told me really didn't really register with me. "Well I am not a millionaire Jeff, so how can I act like one!" I wanted to blurt out.
"Brad, are you a real estate investor?"
"No I haven't bought any property."
"And you'll never be one with that attitude. Being a real estate investor is a declaration in your mind. As soon as you decide that you are a real estate investor, your time is worth $500/hour."
Ahhhhhhhhhhh...that was the sound of the light shining down on me! It is starting to make sense. We are what ever we say we are, right? If we don't believe in ourselves, then who else will? What ever it may be, if you are new or aspiring to be something, declare it to yourself. Stand up and say "I am an ENTREPRENEUR!" Or, "I am ___________!" The blank is for you to fill in whatever you want to be.
I was focusing way too much on the end result rather than the task at hand. We are in a HAVE DO BE or sometimes called a "microwave" society. We want everything yesterday. We have a thought process of "If had more money, I could spend more time with my family, which would make me a better parent/spouse." We are actually working against the universe with this thinking. Neale Donald Walsch, author of the book Conversations With God, explains this principal very well.
"Most people believe if they "have" a thing (more time, money, love -- whatever), then they can finally "do" a thing (write a book, take up a hobby, go on vacation, buy a home, undertake a relationship), which will allow them to "be" a thing (happy, peaceful, content, or in love). In actuality, they are reversing the Be-Do-Have paradigm. In the universe as it really is (as opposed to how you think it is), "havingness" does not produce "beingness," but the other way around.
First you "be" the thing called "happy" (or "knowing," or "wise," or "compassionate," or whatever), then you start "doing" things from this place of beingness -- and soon you discover that what you are doing winds up bringing you the things you've always wanted to "have"."
Here is the bottom line...
You are GREAT, you are AMAZING, you have EVERYTHING it takes to be that person today. I believe in YOU. I don't even know you but I believe in you because you are still reading this.
Back to my realization. I had a breakthrough after I learned this concept. Napoleon Hill states in his world renown book Think and Grow Rich,
"When riches begin to come they come so quickly, in such great abundance, that one wonders where they have been hiding during all those lean years."
That November I made $5,250. My first paid month was my best month ever in my lifetime. How cool is that!?!? The next month I hit $8,000! I was on cloud nine. In the month of February 2008, I replaced my 2007 salary from my sales job. From the comfort of my home, in a single month, I attracted $29,250 of income!
Now I owe all this success to my mentors, my family, and the community I am part of. But, if I didn't let go; If I didn't start acting like a successful Entrepreneur, I never would have become one. Anyone can create great success. Your business works, it is just a matter of who you are being. Start TODAY, start YESTERDAY. As Napoleon Hill quotes, "Don't wait. The time will never be just right. Your big opportunity may be right where you are now. "